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RGZ系列列四合一组合机 RGZ SERIES COMBINED MACHINE 产品介绍:Pfoducts introduction 本系列设备集洗、灌、封为一体,适用于各种果汁饮料、茶饮料的热灌装生产,同时更换少量的零部件,便可用于净水、矿泉水的灌装。采用先进的微负压重力式灌装原理,灌装快、稳、准,设有完善的物料回流系统,也可实现回流时独立回气,不与物料接触,减少物料二次污染及氧化。本机能满足950C以下热灌装技术要求,灌装阀及物料进出管路无卫生死角,同是配有CIP自清洗接口,封盖前设有对瓶口冲洗装置,以确保瓶口无发霉现象。采用磁力扭矩式拧盖头,实现抓盖、拧盖功能。拧盖力矩无级可调,具有恒力矩旋封塑盖功能。整机采用人机界面触摸屏控制、PLC电脑程序控制、变频器控制等先进技术。具有供盖系统自动控制、灌装温度自动检测、物料高温报警、低温停机并自动回流、无瓶不加盖、缺瓶等待、缺盖停机等功能。产量5000-24000瓶/小时可供用户选择。 This series of machines integrate washing. filling and capping into one unit, can be used for different kinds of fruit iuices / tea het drink production. Wifh only a few parts changed, the machine can also be used for mineral water filling. The advanced micro-negative pressure filling technologys used in this machine The filling is quick, steady and accurate. The beverage feedback system is well designed, the gas can be fed badkseparately,has no contact with beverage reduce the second time pollution and oxidation This machine can meet all the technical requirements for hot drink filling below 95 All filIng valves and beverage conducting pipes can be cleaned. and the automatic washing interface CIP is designed in the roachine Before capping. the RO water washing device is used to wash the bottle mouth to keep mould away from the bottle mouth. Magneticorque is used for screw capping, the power of screw capping can be adjusted stepless It can use constant power to screw capping the plastic caps The human machine interface is the touch-screen. The most advanced PLC contml and frequency changing technologies are used jn this machine The cap feeding system can be controlled automatically,the filling temperature can be detected automatically. alarm system for the over heat of the beverage The filling will be stopped when the beverage temperature is too low and the beverage will flow back. When no bottles available. The machine will be in waiting state. and no caps will be applied When no caps available. or the bottles are iammed, the machIne will stop automatically, Productivity: 5000-24000bottles ,/ hourby users。 CG F系列冲瓶气灌装、封盖三合一体机组 CGF MODEL SERIES WASHING,FILLER AND CAPPER THREE-IN-ONE UNIT 本系列设备用于聚脂瓶装各种果汁、果酒、矿泉水、净水等不合气饮料的生产,在一机上实现冲瓶、灌装、封盖., 引进日本、意大利新技术,采用压力式定液面灌装原理,灌装速度快,液面控制稳,无滴漏现象。 弹簧式冲洗钳手,空瓶随轨道自动进行180翻转,内外二道冲洗,冲瓶效率高。 采用磁力扭矩式拧盖头,实现抓盖、拧盖功能。拧盖力矩无级可调,具有恒力矩旋封塑盖功能,且不伤盖,封口严密。 整机采用PLC电脑程序控制及人机界面触摸屏按钮,具有料缸内液面自动控制,无瓶不罐装,无瓶不加盖等功能,采用变频器无级调速,生产能力数字显示,调整极其方便,、 The equipment is used in production of non-soda drink of fruit juice, fruit wine, minerals and pure water packed in polyester bottles. Washing, filling and cappingare intagrated in one machine. ◆The most advanced technology from Japan and Germany is employed in the design The gravity fixed liquid surface filling is used. The filling is fast, the amount of liquid is accurately controlied and the dropping and leakage are avoided, Spring cramps are used in the bottle washing process. The empty bottles can be turned over180~ along the conveying rail. There are two times of internal and external washing, the efficiency of bottle washing is high. The magnetic torque is used for screw capping. The power of screw capping can be adjusted without steps. The power of the screw capping can also be fixed,and the caps will not be damaged, the capping is reliable. The whole machine is controlled by PLC with touch-screen as the human-machine interface The amount of the drinks in the storage tank can be controlled automatically. The filling and capping will be stopped automatically when there is no bottle. When bottles are cramped wrongly or when caps are not available, the machine can be stopped automatically.The frequency changing technology is used to adjust the operation speed steplessly The production capacity can.be displayed digitally and can be adjusted conveniently, DGC F系列等压灌装冲灌封 三合一体机 DGCF SERIES FULL-AUTOMATIC, FILLER AND CAPPER THREE-IN-ONE UNIT 本系列设备用于聚脂瓶装各种碳酸饮料的生产。在一机上实现冲瓶、灌装、封盖。整机设计科学合理,外形美观,功能,操作维修方便,自动 化程度高。 综合采用意大利、德国先进技术..灌装速度快,液面控制稳。如:无瓶时不灌装,冲气或灌装时爆瓶则灌装阀将自动关闭,并有自动冲洗等先进自控 技术。 采用托瓶提升气缸,油尼龙齿轮传动,噪声小,整机运转平稳。 采用磁力扭矩式拧盖头,实现抓盖、拧盖功能。拧盖力矩无级可调,具有恒力矩旋封塑盖功能,且不伤盖,封口严密。 水平回转式气力理盖器,具有不损坏瓶盖表面,料斗内缺盖发信号自动补充盖等功能。 黎机采用PLC电脑程序控制及人机界面触摸屏按钮,具有料缸内液面自动控制,无瓶不罐装,无瓶不加盖等功能,并有拨瓶星轮卡瓶错位停机,盖滑 槽内缺盖停机等功能。 The series equipment is used in producing all kinds of soda drink contained hvith polyesttr bottle Washing, filling, sealing can be carried Out On the same machine The des,ign of the machine is scientific and reasonable The appear8nce is beautiful and the function is complete Its operation and maintenarice is convenient ltS automation is high The advanced technology from Germany and Italy are employed He speed of filling is fast and the liquid amount is cintrolled accurately. The fiHing device can be stopped automatically when there is no bottle or bottles are damaged The advanced auto-washing technology is used in the system Pneumatic valve and damped gears are used for botVe conveying, the noise is 10W and the whole machine runs smoothly The magnetic torque is used for screw capping. The power of screw cappino can be adjusted without steps. The power of the screw capping can, also be fixed, and the caps wil! not be damaged, the capping is reliable Horizon swirl air power caps sorting device is used to avoid damaging tYie surface of caps, and when there is a shortage of caps m the caps storage tank, an alarm signal willbe generatedand the caps will be fed automatically The whole machine is controlled by PLC with touch-screen as the interface bet~veen hUmman and machine. The amount of the drinks in the drink tank can be controlled automatically. The filling and capping will be stopped automatically when there is no bottle When bottles are cramped wrong}y or when caps are not available, the machine can be stopped automatically